Recent Research Interest

Graph problems derived from real-world applications, such as GNNs, PageRanks, and Community Search.

Recent Publications

Resurrecting Label Propagation for Graphs with Heterophily and Label Noise.

Yao Cheng, Caihua Shan, Yifei Shen, Xiang Li, Siqiang Luo, Dongsheng Li.

In KDD 2024.

Topology-monitorable Contrastive Learning on Dynamic Graphs.

Zulun Zhu, Kai Wang, Haoyu Liu, Jintang Li, Siqiang Luo.

In KDD 2024.

LLM as Prompter: Low-resource Inductive Reasoning on Arbitrary Knowledge Graphs.

Kai Wang, Yuwei Xu, Zhiyong Wu, Siqiang Luo.

In ACL (Findings) 2024.


Data structure designs that support big data systems, such as probabilistic filters and key-value indexes.

Recent Publications

CAMAL: Optimizing LSM-trees via Active Learning.

Weiping Yu, Siqiang Luo, Zihao Yu, Gao Cong.

In SIGMOD 2025.

Learning to Optimize LSM-trees: Towards A Reinforcement Learning based Key-Value Store for Dynamic Workloads.

Dingheng Mo, Fanchao Chen, Siqiang Luo, Caihua Shan.

In SIGMOD 2024. [Paper] [Video]

Structural Designs Meet Optimality: Exploring Optimized LSM-tree Structures in A Colossal Configuration Space.

*Junfeng Liu, *Fan Wang, Dingheng Mo, Siqiang Luo. (* Equal Contribution)

In SIGMOD 2024. [Paper] [Video]

